Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Hansel and Gretel"

Father- It was one morning, when my wife and my children, Hansel and Gretel.

I talked to my wife about we need more food because we don' t have enough to

feed our children. So we take Hansel and Gretel to the forest, to spend family

time like good times like lighting a fire to tell stories and listen while we eat

bread. I did this outing with everyone because so, my kids can get to know

their stepmother and have a close relationship with her and I understand

why my children don't like her ,but I don't want them to treat her like a

stranger no, I want them to treat her like family. I hope they have a
better relationship with her at end of the trip we are having as a
family ,but guess what, it didn't turn out great! because when my
children came back, I told them that their stepmother died and
as their reaction they was happy and believed me and that's sad
to me!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Chicken and the Foxes

Once there was a one chicken who lived in a barn with full
of foxes. Everyday, the foxes always make fun of the chicken
and the chicken always didn't response to them. She ignore them.
But one day, the chicken say to herself , "I need to defend myself
cause I'm sick of those foxes picking on me". so, ever since the
chicken fight back to the foxes. The foxes stopped picking on her.

Always have to fight back.