Saturday, March 21, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

                  Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I' m detective Mya Dawson  I been doing this job about seven years , I live in Chicago , in a mansion with my child and my husband. I knew I need to solve this case that involved in murder. I just don't understand why people do crazy things that involves in murder, drugs, violence, and other things. It's been a cruel world that we are in and it' s tough to deal with and I believe that life is short and once we are born, we start living our lives and once we are dead , we are gone forever in peace.    


                   When the police and I went downtown at the James Hotel, we saw broken glass, burn books, riped furniture and lots of money on the floor. We been searchng until we found a dead woman that her body was chopped in pieces in the men's bathroom. We found some evidence that the woman we found dead named Jada Hart, who was a famous therapist that helped people work out their situations and she had an achievement award. While, we was in the men's bathroom, I found an ax with blood all over by the toilet so, I show it to the police and they said go over to the victim's house to find some more clues.


                     Once I went up to Jada's house, I found a note on the table  and I read it and it said " Meet me at the James Hotel with my money" and it was signed by Josh Sherman. I said " that's strange that's where Jada was murdered''. Then while I was thinking about the situation, I found drugs on the dresser in Jada's room. I felt like BINGO that's the clue.  As I went back at the James Hotel , I told the police that I found drugs and a note and I told the police that we need to meet this Josh that wrote a note to Jada. I felt that this is showtime and it's time for me to watch and see that show. 


                              The next day, I went up to the my job and went online to search where this Josh lives at, I searched and I searched then finally I found the location to Josh's house which is close to my mansion. That's weird to me cause I have met everybody in my neighborhood but I guess I was wrong. A few hours later, I went to Josh's house to investigate what had happened between him and Jada. I finally meet this Josh and he looks familiar to me and he has a nice house and while I was asking him about the note that he wrote to Jada and he said "We have this silly bet that who can stay up until morning  can get one hundred dollars". Then I said " when the last time that you saw Jada?". Then he said "The last time I saw Jada was when she told me that she going to the club to meet a man named Ben". I said "who is this Ben guy that we are talking about?" Josh said " what you mean?". I said "well what's his last name?". Josh said "his last name is Dawson". I said "What? that's my husband's first and last name" . I thought about it and I said " I need to go and it was nice meeting you Josh". Josh said " my pleasure".


                                  I slowly went up to my big mansion and called my people to come over there quickly. I felt scared and frighten, I slowly walked up the stairs with a gun of course and there was silence until BOOM! Ben pushed me down the stairs and I said " freeze you are under arrest". Ben said " you ain't going to do nothing you just a plain detective and yes I did kill Jada with that big old ax"  I said " where is my son! Ben said "he is sleep, I never touched our son that's what you thinking". I said " yes Ben cause you are SICK and you leaving us ". Ben said " Make me detective Mya Dawson". Once he said that he run down and we was fighting until I shoot him on his legs. Then I run to get my son and finally the police came to arrest my ex-husband and the whole case was a big MESS, wow I can't believe my husband... I mean I can't believe my ex-husband did that and I thought he was a calm, non violent kind of man but I guess I was wrong again! 


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