Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Hansel and Gretel"

Father- It was one morning, when my wife and my children, Hansel and Gretel.

I talked to my wife about we need more food because we don' t have enough to

feed our children. So we take Hansel and Gretel to the forest, to spend family

time like good times like lighting a fire to tell stories and listen while we eat

bread. I did this outing with everyone because so, my kids can get to know

their stepmother and have a close relationship with her and I understand

why my children don't like her ,but I don't want them to treat her like a

stranger no, I want them to treat her like family. I hope they have a
better relationship with her at end of the trip we are having as a
family ,but guess what, it didn't turn out great! because when my
children came back, I told them that their stepmother died and
as their reaction they was happy and believed me and that's sad
to me!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Chicken and the Foxes

Once there was a one chicken who lived in a barn with full
of foxes. Everyday, the foxes always make fun of the chicken
and the chicken always didn't response to them. She ignore them.
But one day, the chicken say to herself , "I need to defend myself
cause I'm sick of those foxes picking on me". so, ever since the
chicken fight back to the foxes. The foxes stopped picking on her.

Always have to fight back.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

If you had to blame someone or something for the
outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame & why?

-Uncle Billy
-citizens of Poker Flat
-bad luck

I will have to blame Uncle Billy because he didn't care about them,
he just left them without no food or other things. It is was sad that
people like Uncle Billy just don't care about people but themselves
and they think it's all about them all the time but it's not. In my
own opinion, I think Uncle Billy make a lot of mistakes far as not
caring, protecting, and being helpful and that's why the outcasts
died from not being taking care of.

"The Outcasts of Poker Flat"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Desiree's Baby

I thought the story was sad because Desiree's husband told
Desiree to leave because of her race color. I think her husband
was really stupid and wrong because how you going to tell your
soulmate to leave because of their race color that's just really
stupid to me. I think her husband should grow up and be a
man, stay with Desiree and take care of the baby. Racism
is still here in sitautions like this and it's sad that people
hate other people race color, and I think that everybody
should get along of no matter of their color.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make

you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the

effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why

not? Use examples from the story.

If I were given a choice to have an operation that would

make me much smarter for temporary is I wouldn't do

it because that would be weird, everybody is not perfect,

everybody got a skill they struggle in but to get help from it .

If I were much smarter, I would be really good in math,

I wouldn't ask no questions and people wouldn 't call me dumb

and that would be cool. But, I like the way I am today!

I know I'm not perfect but I'm smart. What I meant that

it would be weird to be much smarter is you wouldn't have a
skill to struggle in, you just going to be a nerd, and be a
perfect student which is okay but accept who you are and be

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapter 3-7, predict three problems you think
Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each.

Roger will hire a baby sitter, then the baby sitter will
complain of watching an old man : The baby sitter quit
her job of watching Roger.

Roger will make Benjamin look like an baby: he will be old again.

Roger and his wife have marriage problems: They went conciling.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried
about people are going to say.

What should he do?

Roger should do is pretend that Benjamin is his father that is sick from
the hospital so, people won't know that Roger have a son that look older
than him because if Roger tell people what had really happened, they
will take it as a joke like they will start making fun of him and his son.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

If I were Roger Button, I will snap at the nurse and I will leave that old
man from the hospital and tell my wife the story that recently happened. Then I
pretend that this sitaution will never happen and I will tell my wife to have another

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Heart Broken

Someone breaks your heart for a reason
Then people get really hurt
They express the sitaution
People sometimes can't move on
They always miss what they have recently lost in their life
It is hard to stop thinking about that person that broke your heart
It drives people crazy
People sometimes add it to stress
People can't sleep
They can't eat
They are depressed about it
It is hard to accept that they are out of your life
But they still love that person
They remember them in good memories

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Every year, we always wake up on Easter day to get together and my mom cook
soul food our favorite thing to eat and sweet potato pie yum.... Love that taste. When
grandma came over , I was shocked that she finally lost a lot of weight her fat stuff, she
said she was on a bake chicken diet and I was like what is that? Anyway was all sitted,
it was the sweet smell of spring our favorite season to be together. Then When my brother
was crying , I was like boy, nobody is going to carry your heavy stuff all day like every time
he look at someone he want to get picked up ,no wonder mom always put him in the
play pin all the time. My folks was talking about boring stuff like putting my brother in
daycare and all that mess, I'm like mom she will have been in a daycare but no you want
him to stay home to eat, sleep, and poop all day. Then my sister, ohhh.... this girl always
copy me on a lot of stuff like one day she told me she wanted to dress like me on Easter day
and I'm like girl get your own style and she took my advice too. While we was eating, every
food taste so good except the pig necks and ox tails that tasted digusting that I spit it out.
Lately, mom and grandma start to look like twins since grandma lost all that weight and
that's scary to me. What a day I have with my family and kids don't wish to have a
brother or sister because I did I wish for have a sister and a brother but I did and they are
getting on my nerves!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. When people don't watch their hands after they use the washroom
2. When people lie about me
3. When people yell out answers
4. When people talk during the movie theater
5. When people break my heart
6. People don't flush the toilet
7. When people cheated on each other
8. When people lie to me in the face
9. When people took my personal things without permission
10. When people pull and mess with my hair
11. When people take advantage of my kindness
12. When people don't clean their house
13. When people try to act tough
14. When people laugh at me when I say " I don't get it"
15. When people pick their nose
16. When people make farts in public
17. When people pick food from the garbage and they eat it
18. People give me a cheap gift
19. When People call me fat
20. When people drink while they driving
21. When people scratch their butts.
22. When people push me around
23. When people spit while they are talking
24. When people give me dirty looks.
25. When people feel sorry for me

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

                  Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I' m detective Mya Dawson  I been doing this job about seven years , I live in Chicago , in a mansion with my child and my husband. I knew I need to solve this case that involved in murder. I just don't understand why people do crazy things that involves in murder, drugs, violence, and other things. It's been a cruel world that we are in and it' s tough to deal with and I believe that life is short and once we are born, we start living our lives and once we are dead , we are gone forever in peace.    


                   When the police and I went downtown at the James Hotel, we saw broken glass, burn books, riped furniture and lots of money on the floor. We been searchng until we found a dead woman that her body was chopped in pieces in the men's bathroom. We found some evidence that the woman we found dead named Jada Hart, who was a famous therapist that helped people work out their situations and she had an achievement award. While, we was in the men's bathroom, I found an ax with blood all over by the toilet so, I show it to the police and they said go over to the victim's house to find some more clues.


                     Once I went up to Jada's house, I found a note on the table  and I read it and it said " Meet me at the James Hotel with my money" and it was signed by Josh Sherman. I said " that's strange that's where Jada was murdered''. Then while I was thinking about the situation, I found drugs on the dresser in Jada's room. I felt like BINGO that's the clue.  As I went back at the James Hotel , I told the police that I found drugs and a note and I told the police that we need to meet this Josh that wrote a note to Jada. I felt that this is showtime and it's time for me to watch and see that show. 


                              The next day, I went up to the my job and went online to search where this Josh lives at, I searched and I searched then finally I found the location to Josh's house which is close to my mansion. That's weird to me cause I have met everybody in my neighborhood but I guess I was wrong. A few hours later, I went to Josh's house to investigate what had happened between him and Jada. I finally meet this Josh and he looks familiar to me and he has a nice house and while I was asking him about the note that he wrote to Jada and he said "We have this silly bet that who can stay up until morning  can get one hundred dollars". Then I said " when the last time that you saw Jada?". Then he said "The last time I saw Jada was when she told me that she going to the club to meet a man named Ben". I said "who is this Ben guy that we are talking about?" Josh said " what you mean?". I said "well what's his last name?". Josh said "his last name is Dawson". I said "What? that's my husband's first and last name" . I thought about it and I said " I need to go and it was nice meeting you Josh". Josh said " my pleasure".


                                  I slowly went up to my big mansion and called my people to come over there quickly. I felt scared and frighten, I slowly walked up the stairs with a gun of course and there was silence until BOOM! Ben pushed me down the stairs and I said " freeze you are under arrest". Ben said " you ain't going to do nothing you just a plain detective and yes I did kill Jada with that big old ax"  I said " where is my son! Ben said "he is sleep, I never touched our son that's what you thinking". I said " yes Ben cause you are SICK and you leaving us ". Ben said " Make me detective Mya Dawson". Once he said that he run down and we was fighting until I shoot him on his legs. Then I run to get my son and finally the police came to arrest my ex-husband and the whole case was a big MESS, wow I can't believe my husband... I mean I can't believe my ex-husband did that and I thought he was a calm, non violent kind of man but I guess I was wrong again! 


Friday, February 27, 2009

Life Changing Event

The day I got my contacts really changed my life. When I put them on, I go see myself in the mirror I say "I beautiful and my mother says " you always been beautiful". I was very happy when I got them because it was my first time getting them .

That day my confidence grew stronger. I been looking at myself in the mirror a lot, I been dancing a lot , love myself more , and most of all is being happy. Lately I been taking so long using the bathroom because I been taking care myself more. Ever since I been wearing contacts, it made me more on in life after my father past away.

I really thanked my mother for buying me contacts and she said " no you earn those contacts because you are the A student!". I never forget that day when I first got my contacts because it really did changed my life. It is the best gift my mother gave me because this gift will last longer.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

The very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful is writing because everybody need to write carefully when they are spelling words because some people mispelled words like for example, my little eight-year-old consin was doing a book report and when she was done I checked it. Then I told her that she mispelled the word brother.

The second reason that a person need to be successful in writing is to think before you write something because some people just write something that sometimes doesn't make sense like for example, when I was nine years old, I was doing a paragraph journal for homework and when I was doing it I just write something down without thinking
and when my mother checked it she told me my paragraph wasn't making sense and I have to make some corrections.

The third reason that a person need to be successful in writing is to write neatlly because some people write sloppy when they are lazy like for example, when third grade teacher was reading our letters, she told a boy in the classroom that what you have written because that day she couldn't read hardlly read his letter because he write it real neatlly. Then that's why we need to be successful in writing because it affects what we need achieve in order to to work harder.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

My Best Day Ever was when my consin, Nisha went over to my house and we were talking, playing on the computer, and also we danced all night to the song that Beyonce sings a song called "All The Single Ladies(Put a Ring On It)" and we laughed and we have a great time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 things I want to do in Lifetime

1. Go to College
2. Get Married
3. Go back to Ohio
4. Go back to Florida
5. Go back to Georgia
6. Design Buildings
7. Make Outfits
8. Make Jewelry
9. Get a tattoo
10. Get on a cruise
11. Go to New York to shop there
12. Write a book about my life
13. Learn how to speak Spanish and French
14. Go to France
15. Write a book about my bad experience at the airplane
16. To be an Model, or an Architect , or an Fashion Designer
17. Get a trunk or a car
18. Go back to sixflags
19. Get an xbox 360
20. Lose Weight
21. Eat Healthy
22. Get a reality check
23. Design Rings
24. Design Shoes
25. Travel across Brazil